The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has updated its guidance and online reporting forms to help businesses in England, Scotland, and Wales understand when and how to report workplace injuries, incidents, or dangerous occurrences under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). Different rules apply in Northern Ireland.
RIDDOR affects both employers and companies that hire self-employed contractors.
The new HSE guidance on RIDDOR doesn't change any legal requirements but offers more advice on when a report is necessary and who is responsible for reporting.
The guidance explains what counts as a ‘work-related’ accident, clarifies when an occupational disease is not reportable, and provides clearer instructions on reporting incidents where an employee is absent for over seven days due to an injury. The employer or the person in charge of the premises must report injuries or incidents affecting employees or self-employed workers.
Over-7-Day Worker Absence
The most common work-related accidents involve employees or self-employed workers being unable to work or perform their usual duties for more than seven consecutive days due to an injury. This period doesn't include the day of the accident but does include weekends and rest days. The report must be submitted within 15 days of the accident.
If the worker’s injury or condition isn't immediately apparent but later prevents them from working for more than seven consecutive days, it must be reported as soon as this is realised.
Over-3-Day Worker Absence
Accidents resulting in a worker being unable to work for more than three consecutive days must be recorded in the employer's internal records. In Great Britain, there's no need to report these incidents externally, as recording them in the accident book (under social security law) is enough. However, in Northern Ireland, such incidents must be reported.
Non-Fatal Accidents to Non-Workers
Accidents involving members of the public or others not working (such as customers, clients, or volunteers) must be reported if:
The accidents happen due to work activity on the premises.
They result in an injury to the person.
The person is taken directly from the scene to the hospital for treatment.
There's no need to report accidents where people are taken to the hospital as a precaution if they aren't injured.
Other Reportable Situations
Specified workplace injuries, occupational diseases, deaths, gas incidents, and dangerous occurrences must also be reported by law. Failing to do so is a criminal offence.
